The Full Guide
on the Best Magento Extensions in 2024:
How to Find and Develop Your Own for Your Online Store
The Full Guide
on the Best Magento Extensions in 2024:
How to Find and Develop Your Own for Your Online Store
It may seem that choosing among the best Magento extensions is an easy way to extend the functionality of an online store. However, the more extensions that appear on the Adobe Commerce marketplace, the more cumbersome it becomes to understand which of them will suit the needs of a particular ecommerce business. With the number of extensions continually growing exponentially, finding a suitable option starts feeling less like making a practical match for your business needs and more like the proverbial hunt for a needle in a haystack.
Today, the Magento extension market comprises almost 4,000 modules ready to be integrated with any Magento based online store. While the ecommerce market competition grows, so too does this number. For the last nine years, the Whidegroup team has been providing businesses with comprehensive ecommerce web development services.
One of our favorite examples is the work we’ve done in cooperation with Checkout, Paybear, Shiphawk, and others to create custom Magento extensions able to solve non-trivial shipping and payment processing tasks. Because of this, we have gained deep expertise in the extension market and have come to understand the best Magento extensions available there. We know how things work and have decided to share a bit of our expertise with you.
Table of Contents
ToggleAll Magento extensions are divided into several categories, depending on the type of services to be integrated with the online store. Here are some common types of extensions.
You can consult a Magento accounting extension for more efficient and effective financial data management, exporting reports, and tracking all stages of your sales (order, payment, packaging, delivery, etc.), tax control, report creation and so on. Today, there are 82 Magento accounting extensions available in total, and their prices range from $0 to $15,000.
An average Magento customer support extension provides online stores with functionality such as live chats, FAQ, and more. In general, these Magento extensions are essential for personalizing the customer experience, building quality communication with customers, and increasing customer loyalty. The price for an average Magento customer service module starts at $0 and can cost as much as $539.
The Magento payment gateway extension is a must-have for easy and secure transactions. It grants order management on a single page in the admin panel, and allows for fast order placement. Any Magento payment extension of the 569 represented in Adobe Commerce Marketplace is especially useful for ecommerce websites that strive to provide multi-currency payments from any destination in the world. Some best Magento extensions represented in this category are free, and the price of the rest of them ranges from $25 to $3,600.
Ecommerce business owners can easily get online store performance reports, behavioral analytics, and other such beneficial reports by integrating one of the 97 ready-made Magento ecommerce plugins. As in any other category, here you will find both the best Magento extensions with many features and for free, as well as ones with a price tag that ranges from $10 to $3,600 per year or with one time payment reaching $1,500.
To let customers choose the most convenient shipping methods and, thereby, improve the quality of user experience, Magento based ecommerce platforms must include the best Magento shipping extension. There are more than 480 shipping extensions available on the marketplace, each with specific features and advantages.
You are welcome to select any Magento marketing extension from the 500+ offered on Adobe Commerce Marketplace. By combining Magento marketing extensions wisely, you’ll see effective tools to attract new customers and retain existing ones. They are also designed to expand the current potential of Magento significantly. About a third of the offered extensions are free of charge. Prices for the rest of them range from $10 to $500 per month.
Although Magento itself has a number of built-in SEO tools, each Magento SEO extension of the 111 represented on the Marketplace offers additional tools to expand the capabilities of the platform. The most expensive module’s price in this category is $299. However, there are free extensions too. You can peruse to find the best SEO extension for Magento exclusively for your business!
We’ve listed only the main categories of extensions here, but you may also find some other essential extensions, such as Magento B2B extension, some of the best free Magento search extensions, marketplace extensions, and many more. So, it’s best not to limit yourself and always be in search of something new to implement for your ecommerce store.
Now we recommend that you take a look at some solutions that are considered the most popular Magento extensions in each category! Let’s see which of them are topping the list and who knows, maybe you’ll find your own extensions there! We open the list by defining the best Magento accounting extensions.
QuickBooks Online
Sales Tax Automation
Connect Xero
SellerQuickBooks Online
PowerSyncSales Tax Automation
TaxJarConnect Xero
PriceQuickBooks Online
From $29 per monthSales Tax Automation
FreeConnect Xero
$239 per yearExtension
RatingQuickBooks Online
5/5Sales Tax Automation
5/5Connect Xero
CompatibilityQuickBooks Online
2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4Sales Tax Automation
2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4Connect Xero
2.3, 2.4Extension
Key FeaturesQuickBooks Online
Sales Tax Automation
Connect Xero
Help Desk Ultimate
Live Chat
Help Desk by Landofcoder
SellerHelp Desk Ultimate
AheadworksLive Chat
LiveChatHelp Desk by Landofcoder
PriceHelp Desk Ultimate
Open source – $200/year Adobe Commerce / Cloud – $400/yearLive Chat
FreeHelp Desk by Landofcoder
Without support – Free With support – $49/monthExtension
RatingHelp Desk Ultimate
5/5Live Chat
4.6/5Help Desk by Landofcoder
CompatibilityHelp Desk Ultimate
2.4Live Chat
2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4Help Desk by Landofcoder
2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4Extension
Key FeaturesHelp Desk Ultimate
Live Chat
Help Desk by Landofcoder
Smart One Step Checkout
Magento 2 Two Factor Authentication
Opayo Payment & Subscriptions
SellerSmart One Step Checkout
AheadworksMagento 2 Two Factor Authentication
XTENTOSage Pay & Subscriptions
PriceSmart One Step Checkout
Open Source – $140/year Adobe Commerce / Cloud- $280/yearMagento 2 Two Factor Authentication
Open Source – $99 Adobe Commerce / Cloud – $199Sage Pay & Subscriptions
Open Source – $199 Adobe Commerce / Cloud – $299Extension
RatingSmart One Step Checkout
5/5Magento 2 Two Factor Authentication
5/5Sage Pay & Subscriptions
CompatibilitySmart One Step Checkout
2.4Magento 2 Two Factor Authentication
2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4Sage Pay & Subscriptions
2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4Extension
Key FeaturesSmart One Step Checkout
Magento 2 Two Factor Authentication
Sage Pay & Subscriptions
Print Order PDF
Order Eraser
Custom Stock Status
SellerPrint Order PDF
FoomanOrder Eraser
WyomindCustom Stock Status
PricePrint Order PDF
Community – FreeOrder Eraser
FreeCustom Stock Status
Open Source – $149/year Adobe Commerce – $359/year Adobe Commerce Cloud – $565/yearExtension
RatingPrint Order PDF
5/5Order Eraser
5/5Custom Stock Status
CompatibilityPrint Order PDF
2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4Order Eraser
2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4Custom Stock Status
Key FeaturesPrint Order PDF
Order Eraser
Custom Stock Status
Magento 2 Estimated Delivery Date Extension by MageAnts is also a great addition to this list. It helps store owners to showcase the estimated delivery date on the product page for each product and on a checkout for the whole order. As customers become more demanding nowadays and want to know every inch of their order, this tool becomes very effective in enhancing user experience.
Key features:
SEO Suite Ultimate
Improved Layered Navigation
SellerSEO Suite Ultimate
MageworksImproved Layered Navigation
PriceSEO Suite Ultimate
Open Source – $299 Adobe Commerce / Cloud – $598Improved Layered Navigation
Open source – $285/year Adobe Commerce – $489/year Adobe Commerce Cloud – $699/yearSTMP
Open Source – $149 Adobe Commerce/Cloud – $249Extension
RatingSEO Suite Ultimate
5/5Improved Layered Navigation
CompatibilitySEO Suite Ultimate
2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4Improved Layered Navigation
2.3, 2.4Extension
Key FeaturesSEO Suite Ultimate
Improved Layered Navigation
Abandoned Cart Email
M2E Pro
SellerAbandoned Cart Email
AheadworksM2E Pro Amazon & eBay Integration
M2E LimitedMailChimp
PriceAbandoned Cart Email
Open Source – $65/year Adobe Commerce / Cloud – $130/yearM2E Pro Amazon & eBay Integration
RatingAbandoned Cart Email
5/5M2E Pro Amazon & eBay Integration
CompatibilityAbandoned Cart Email
2.3, 2.4M2E Pro Amazon & eBay Integration
2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4MailChimp
2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4Extension
Key FeaturesAbandoned Cart Email
M2E Pro Amazon & eBay Integration
Please, also take a look at Magento 2 Free Gift Extension by MageAnts which is an effective solution for stimulating customers for making a purchase of specific products or for a specific sum. It enables store owners to offer a free gift for customers automatically depending on set up rules.
Key features:
We mentioned only the main groups of extensions. You can search for other types of extensions, such as the best blog extension for Magento, extensions to customize products on your store, and many more.
Each of the listed top Magento extensions benefits the end user. They improve the customer experience and speed up workflows for the ecommerce business owner.
At first glance, the market is already filled with the best Magento extensions to match every taste and need. However, user priorities are continually changing. New trends are constantly emerging and ecommerce businesses that want to not only stay afloat but also beat the competition, have to adapt. Thus, never stop exploring which solutions are considered the best Magento extensions to date, and you can rest assured that you will provide your users with top user experience!
To begin with, we would like to share a list of the most helpful extensions we use often in our projects.
If you are looking for extensions that provide the functionality we mentioned in the list above, then there is no need for you to continue the search. We’ve done the research for you, so all you have to do now is simply choose one and integrate it with your Magento store.
If you didn’t succeed in finding the right existing solutions to expand your Magento store functionality from those listed above, you can consider the option to choose an extension on your own. Below you will find a step-by-step guide on how to find the best option without getting lost in the sea that is the Magento extensions list. It was created by our developers who use the same approach. So, let’s look at how you can make the right choice.
To narrow your search in finding the best Magento extensions, first, you need to clearly understand and list the features you want to integrate into your online store. Then, take this functionality as an example and every next step will take us closer to the desired result.
At this stage, you will see that there are dozens, if not hundreds of extensions offering similar functionality. Whether you need the best Magento blog extension, the best Magento search extension, the best Magento marketplace extension or something else entirely, Adobe Commerce Marketplace has the largest database of extensions from all the best Magento extension providers.
Go to the categories and choose “Sales” > “Marketplace feeds”. You will see that this category includes more than 130 extensions, each of which fully or partially provides the requested functionality. To figure out which of them may be useful, take the next steps:
The next step is selecting several of the most suitable ones and doing a thorough research on them. We recommend that you select 3 – 5 Magento ecommerce extensions which provide the necessary features. Let’s imagine we need to choose some extension from the listed above, namely Smart One Step Checkout by Aheadworks, Magento 2 Two Factor Authentication by XTENTO, and Sage Pay & by Magenest.
Smart One Step Checkout by Aheadworks
Magento 2 Two Factor Authentication by XTENTO
Sage Pay & by Magenest
When choosing the best Magento extensions from the store, pay attention to the extension providers. Look at the user reviews. However, also keep in mind that you should not take reviews on the extensions provider’s website too seriously. We have found it is best to search for them on independent 3rd party platforms and forums. Unfortunately, on the Adobe Commerce Marketplace most extensions have either very few reviews or none at all. Fortunately, you can visit related forums and Magento communities for information, and ask questions in one of the discussion threads.
Smart One Step Checkout by Aheadworks
Magento 2 Two Factor Authentication by XTENTO
Sage Pay & Subscriptions by Magenest
It is essential to pay attention to the frequency of the extension updates. Given that new updates to the Magento platform are released often, every third-party integration should always meet the latest Magento requirements, and cause no conflicts with the platform. Some providers release a new module to the market, then immediately cease support. Thus, after one or several updates, the module stops performing its functions. For you, this results in a loss of time and investment, a need to search for a new extension, and additional costs to pay for a Magento developer’s work.
Smart One Step Checkout by Aheadworks
Magento 2 Two Factor Authentication by XTENTO
Sage Pay & Subscriptions by Magenest
Reliable free support from the extension provider is critical during the first months after the integration of the module. It is especially vital if you do not have an experienced developer who can define and replace any potential issues independently. Some providers guarantee 3 months of free support. Others are ready to help up to 6 months after you buy Magento modules from Magento extension stores. Still, others may not offer a free support period at all, and you’ll have to pay for these services from the start.
Smart One Step Checkout by Aheadworks
Magento 2 Two Factor Authentication by XTENTO
Sage Pay & Subscriptions by Magenest
Even when opting for the best Magento extension from trustworthy providers such as Magestore, Webkul, Mirasvit and so on, you can’t really be sure that everything will be fine with it. That’s why it’s always a good idea to check the money-back guarantee policy and confirm the period it is granted for. If, after integrating with your online store, a module doesn’t perform well, you can always request your money back. If the seller won’t guarantee a refund during at least two weeks after purchase, it is better to bypass the extension. After all, why should you be expected to buy into a product if its own creator won’t stand by it? Read the provider’s Terms and Conditions to check this info.
Based on the analysis of the selected extensions, we are fairly certain about which one you would likely want to try first. Considering the three chosen extensions for a Magento based store’s integration with Amazon and eBay, we see that this kind of market research does not require much time, and helps the eager entrepreneur to easily navigate in a highly competitive environment and confidently proceed to the extension’s purchase.
Smart One Step Checkout by Aheadworks
Magento 2 Two Factor Authentication by XTENTO
Sage Pay & Subscriptions by Magenest
Smart One Step Checkout by Aheadworks
5/5Magento 2 Two Factor Authentication by XTENTO
5/5Sage Pay & Subscriptions by Magenest
5/5Update frequency
Smart One Step Checkout by Aheadworks
✔Magento 2 Two Factor Authentication by XTENTO
✘Sage Pay & Subscriptions by Magenest
Smart One Step Checkout by Aheadworks
✔Magento 2 Two Factor Authentication by XTENTO
✔Sage Pay & Subscriptions by Magenest
✔Money-back guarantee
Smart One Step Checkout by Aheadworks
45-day money backMagento 2 Two Factor Authentication by XTENTO
✘Sage Pay & Subscriptions by Magenest
30-day money backWhen the time has finally come and you have chosen the extension, it’s time to learn how to install the extension in Magento and make sure it really meets all your requirements. You may also be interested in considering options on how to install extensions in Magento manually to control the process fully.
This is the time for quality assurance. We recommend you start working with a new module on the test server to check whether it:
If testing has shown that the extension is bug-free and that there are no threats to the correct operation of the store, you can safely implement it on your live store and start using the needed functionality.
Unfortunately, integration with extensions from the marketplace do not only entail advantages. Rather, they can sometimes present issues as well. The worst thing that can happen is the total outage of the website (front/back-end). Among the less dangerous problems are conflicts with existing functionality. In this case, it can be a partial or total failure with either an existing extension or your new custom extension.
Depending on the functionality the module is responsible for and the information it processes, it can cause damage to various data. For example, if the new feature is related to cookies processing (or other personal information from your customers), then a glitchy module can violate the user’s rights, thereby violating the GDPR.
If the quality assurance detected any errors, the first thing to do is to contact the provider’s support team. This is when that free support period will prove useful!
First, you should inform the provider about the problems occuring. If the provider can’t eliminate the issues, you can try to fix them yourself. However, sometimes all attempts to rectify the situation end up in vain. If this turns out to be the case, you have to look for another extension to replace the problematic one or develop a custom module yourself.
Magento custom extension development can be justified if:
We often face the situation when none of the ready-made solutions is a perfect fit for the needs of our clients, and the very best decision is to create a custom one. And this is exactly what we’ve been doing for our clients through our Magento extension development services.
This retail company that specializes in designing and manufacturing Hawaiian-style clothes, wanted to modify the catalog filtering in exchange for a more convenient sorting of their products by patterns and colors. The catalog contains sets of matching garments for the whole family and separately for mother and daughter, father and son, mother and son, and so on. We implemented the required functionality via custom module implementation, which helped Hawaii Hangover’s customers enjoy a more pleasant and convenient journey through the store.
We created one more Magento custom extension for a photo lab, which prints non-standard sized photos on non-standard materials. We implemented a complex JS-frontend, and the main feature of the extension is its ability to determine the quality of uploaded images and, as a result, to identify and display the maximum size of the image that needs to be printed.
A worldwide shipping company, whose main clients are ecommerce businesses with oversized and non-standard goods, addressed us with the need to develop a Magento ecommerce plugin so that online stores running on this platform could use their services. We’ve successfully accomplished the task, and today Shiphawk services can be integrated with any Magento based ecommerce platform.
We also have experience in building a custom payment plugin for a payment processing platform. This Magento 2 plugin is for easier on-boarding of new ecommerce businesses. The main feature of the extension was a native token-based JavaScript payment processing integration embedded in the checkout page, which did not require the website/server to pass through PCI Compliance (payment card industry data security standard).
A task similar to’s, we accomplished a cryptocurrency payment service for Savvy. Cryptocurrency transactions are not instant and require delayed transaction notifications. Processing of crypto payments is different from credit cards or e-wallet payments. That’s why, in this case, we couldn’t apply standard methods of module development.
All the best Magento extensions we developed for our customers meet the following requirements:
Choosing the best Magento extensions from those available on Adobe Commerce Marketplace, as well as considering Magento extension development services to expand the functionality of your store, are both complicated and responsibility-heavy tasks. We hope that our guide will help every ecommerce business owner that is wanting to make specific improvements to their online store eliminate the pitfalls this process implies.
Our last piece of advice? If you decided to start the development of a custom Magento extension, but are not tech-savvy enough to complete it, there is no better option than to hire experienced professionals who are able to help you at all stages of the development process. Feel free to drop Whidegroup a line if you have any questions. Our support team will gladly address all concerns you may have.
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